Tato parádní akce je už za námi, ale my už se připravujeme na další.

Kromě toho jsme přichystali pro vás několik jiných trackdays akcí, další kurzy sportovní jízdy na pronajatém okruhu a také několik kurzů bezpečné jízdy. Prohlédnout si je můžete na stránce se všemi kurzy sportovní jízdy.

Zajímá vás, jak vypadal kurz sportovní jízdy se Šenkýřem? Chcete přiblížit, jak probíhal celý den na trackday akci? Prozkoumejte archiv této akce a prohlédněte si třeba galerii s fotkami z akce nebo videa. Případně neváhejte nás kontaktovat na telefonním čísle +420 725 924 058, e-mailu info@senkyr.cz nebo tlačítka „Mám dotaz na kurz“. Rádi vám odpovíme na jakékoliv dotazy nebo pomůžeme s přihlášením na aktuální termín.

Aktuální termíny na rok 2025 pro Exclusive Race Tests

Momentálně bohužel žádnou trackday akci ani kurz sportovní jízdy na okruhu Exclusive Race Tests nemáme vypsánu.

To ale neznamená, že jsme se úplně zastavili a nepracujeme – buď s vámi právě jezdíme na jiných okruzích (pro výpis všech akcí se podívejte do kurzů sportovní jízdy), nebo připravujeme trackdaye na další sezónu.

Proto nám klidně pro bližší informace o budoucích termínech a dostupnosti jízd na okruhu Exclusive Race Tests zavolejte nebo napište, abychom vám mohli sdělit veškeré podrobnosti a společně se domluvit na dalším okruhovém ježdění.

Exclusiv test day for race cars with limited number of cars on the track.

Basic information

Test day for sport car only at the otherwise very inaccessible track of Automotodrom Brno with an exclusive rent for Šenkýř Motorsport!


Automotodrom Brno (Circuit website)
Masarykův okruh 201, Ostrovačice, 664 81, Česká republika, Google maps


17. june 2021 (thursday)


Capacity: 20
Still available: 0 (event already taken place)


Price (without VAT): 599 EUR
Price (with VAT):   725 EUR
Additional pricing information
Exclusive Race Tests


Pricing - entry fee:  
Entry fee driver with one car 
599€ netto
Guest 50€ netto
Pricing - rental of our race car:  
BMW M4 GT4 (485PS/1400kg) 1x 30min /690€ netto

- two seats, only for experienced drivers and with 1: 1 coaching
- price incl. track rental, car maintance, tires, fuel and 1:1 coaching.

 BMW M2 Competition Trackday EVO   1x 30min /590€ netto
- two seats, only for experienced drivers and with 1: 1 coaching
- price incl. track rental, car maintance, tires, fuel and 1:1 coaching.
Pricing - taxi ride with BMW M4 GT4 or M2 Competition Trackday Evo:  
3 laps with intercom communication and driver's interpretation 160€ netto
Pricing - 1:1 coaching with the own car of driver:  
Set 1x30min. 100€ netto
It'is possible to rent an own box  175€ bez DPH

More about racing cars for rent
Pricing - Další #

Our race cars for rent



Factory developed and built racing car for the GT4 category, which you can try on all our trackday evetns. Always with a coach onboard and 1: 1 coaching.
BMW M2 Competition Trackday Evo

BMW M2 Competition Trackday Evo

BMW M2 Competition Trackday Evo - a car for maximum trackday performance and uncompromising use at European circuit events.


Robert Senkyr

Robert Senkyr

Two-time European hillclimb champion in the overall classification of touring cars division, multiple champion of the Czech and Slovak Republic in hillclimb and circuit races, long-term official member of the Czech national team and driver with a successful thirty-year racing career. Founder and owner of the Šenkýř Motorsport team, who created the methodology and concept of 1:1 coaching for trackday cars and their drivers.

FAQ's for Automotodrom Brno


How many slots remaining?

This event has already taken place.

Course has capacity of: 20 available.


When is the course happening?

This event has already taken place.

Date of the Exclusive Race Tests - Sports car test day 17.06.2021 event is: 17. june 2021 (thursday).


Where is the course happening?

Automotodrom Brno, Masarykův okruh 201, Ostrovačice, 664 81, Česká republika


I booked the event using the booking form. What happens now?

Please transfer the total amount stated at the time of booking to our account 4211028159/6800.

Please enter your name and date of the event in the subject. Your place is certainly reserved and confirmed only after receiving the payment. You will receive an invoice and other necessary information from us well in advance of the event.


What happens if I can't attend an event unexpectedly?

If for any reason you are unable to attend the event, we will proceed in accordance with our cancellation policy. If you cancel 30 days before the date of the event, we will refund 100% of the amount, 30-15 days before the event, we will refund 50% of the amount, 14-7 days before the event, 25% of the amount. If you cancel the event 4-1 the day before the event and if you do not come to the event at all, 100% of the amount will be forfeited.


What happens if the event is canceled due to Covid restrictions?

If the event is not held due to Covid restrictions, the event will be moved to another date, or the entry fee will be moved to another event of your choice, or returned.


Must I have experience with driving on a circuit Automotodrom Brno?

You don't have to. We will be happy to welcome you as a newcomer and help you with the first steps when driving around the circuit. At each of our trackday events there is a contingent of our coaches, ready to take care of you.


How to prepare a car for the first trackday event?

Not specifically, but it is necessary to keep the car clean and in good technical condition. We recommend checking all fluids, brake discs, pads and tires. Don't forget the towing eye at home! We recommend coming with a fully refueled car.


Tire pressure ?

Within the sporty driving on the track, your tires will get warm up and your pressure will increase. This reduces the area of ​​the tire that is in contact with the road and the car loses grip. The tire also wears out faster. To prevent this, we must constantly monitor and adjust the pressure. Follow the recommended values ​​on the label of your car. For standard tires we must not exceed the value specified for the loaded vehicle, for semislick tires the key values ​​are for a less loaded vehicle. Our mechanics will help with pressure measurement, or you can measure the pressure with your own pressure gauge. We also have digital sports pressure gauges for sale at the event. Don't forget to refill the pressure after the event. By street driving, the tire pressure drops again and you could go home on underinflated tires.


Does my car remain insured during the event?

Our trackday events are sports trainings focused on driver safety. They are not organized in order to achieve the highest speed or the best time. With many insurance companies, your insurance and comprehensive coverage are maintained in full. But  please ask your insurence company.


If my insurance does not apply on track, can I insure my car separately?

Yes, we can arrange special insurance for the race track on individual request.


Can I take an guest, another driver or children on the track, who can also go on the track?

Yes, we have booking options for other drivers or guests, see. paragraph "Complete prices". Children from the age of 16 are allowed to enter the track as co-drivers if the parent, as the driver of the car, assumes responsibility for this. You will receive the necessary documents at the accreditation.


Does my vehicle need to be registered and have a license plate in order to run on the track?

It doesn't have to. We organize our trackday events for vehicles with and without license plates. Exceptions are events at the Nürburgring, where only cars with license plates and tires approved for road use are permitted.


Can I book the individual 1: 1 coaching during the trackday?

Basically yes. However, most coaching units are always booked in advance. To be sure, we recommend that you book the required coaching capacity with the coach in advance.


Can I rent your sports car during the trackday?

Yes. But as with coaching, it is better to book a car in advance to be sure to get it.


Are there noise limits on some tracks?

Yes, some of the tracks have limited noise quotas. E.g. Nürburgring 130dB. Restrictions for particularly noisy cars also apply to Most and Spa Francorchamps. So far, it has never happened during our events that we have to park a car due to excessive noise.


OPEN PITLANE and Groups A / B - what's the difference?

Open Pitlane mode is all-day free driving without dividing into groups.

Driving in groups A and B (always a maximum of two groups) is required on circuits with low capacity.

The divisding into groups takes place according to the car and the level of experience. Thanks to this, the groups are homogeneous and you will enjoy your ride more. When group riding, each group usually has 8x 30 min. driving, which is more than enough for a serial or modified car and for your concentration.



Can I give someone a gift for the participation in a trackday event or a taxi ride?

Yes, we will prepare a gift voucher with the selected service for you. You can also donate personal coaching, a taxi ride with our instructor or your own gift ride in one of our racing or sports cars.


Can I also drive my own race car?

Yes you can, if you respect the trackday rules of our events.


I have a new car and I'm afraid of a lot of traffic on the track. Is there a risk of a collision, for example?

We organize our events under clear safety rules. If someone doesn't follow them, we'll take them off the track and explain once again that it's a trackday and not a race.
At our events, we pay attention to the limited number of cars on the track so that each participant has enough space for their ride. Thanks to the amount of time devoted to driving, you can also determine when you will enter the track when the track is empty.

FAQ's for Automotodrom Brno - Další #